Physical Therapist Assistant

The PTA program is not accepting new applications at this time.

Physical Therapist Assistant Program Description

Notice: Recent changes to Ohio Revised Code mandates that the minimal age of 18 is required for a student to participate in Clinical Education or to apply for licensure as a physical therapist assistant.

In conformance with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Hocking College will make reasonable modifications to its practices and will provide certain individualized services and accommodations as needed to assure nondiscrimination on the basis of disability. Students or applicants for admission who would like to request disability-related services and accommodations are encouraged to meet with the Accessibility Resources Office specialists.... of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, or the Ohio Administrative Code 4112-5-09: Discrimination against persons with disabilities in institutions of higher education.


Physical therapist assistants are technically educated healthcare providers who work under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist to restore function when disease or injury results in pain and limited movement abilities.  

Physical therapy intervention can also prevent further injury.  When a patient seeks physical therapy services, the physical therapist performs an initial evaluation and develops a plan of care.  The physical therapist assistant carries out the plan of care and reports the patient’s response to the supervising physical therapist.


The Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Hocking College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email:; website: If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call 740-753-6350 or email

View the Physical Therapist Assistant Handbook

View the Physical Therapist Student Financial Fact Sheet 2024


Hocking College offers all-inclusive pricing and works with students to assure they have complete college funding, including financial aid, before they start classes.

All-inclusive pricing includes course fees, in addition to the following:

PER SEMESTER                                                                                               
$300......Learning Fee
$20........Health Center Services
$75........Career Center Services


Pricing for housing and meal plans can be found online here.


For a full-time student enrolled in the technical phase of the program, utilizing Autumn 2024 through Spring 2025 timeframe annual tuition:

In state or in-district student: $4,630
Out of state or out of district student: $9,260

Annual course fees for a full-time student enrolled in the first year of the program: $ 1,670
Annual course fees for a full-time student enrolled in the technical phase (clinical year 2) of the program: $5,624
Total cost of other program-related expenses: (books, medical tests): $0.00

Total cost of the program for students who graduated in 2025:

In state or in-district student: $19,745
Out of state or out of district student: $30,355

A Career as a Physical Therapist Assistant offers a flexible future

Physical therapist assistants are technically educated healthcare providers who work under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist to restore function when disease or injury results in pain and limited movement abilities. 

Physical therapy intervention can also prevent further injury.  When a patient seeks physical therapy services, the physical therapist performs an initial evaluation and develops a plan of care. 

 Physical Therapist Assistants are employed in a variety of settings such as hospitals, outpatient clinics, home health settings, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, and school systems.

View the occupational profile

Public Disclosure of Licensure

Hocking College offers courses, associate degree and certificate programs that may lead to professional licensure and/or certification. Successful completion of the programs listed on this page may potentially lead to professional licensure, registration or certification. Licensure, registration or certification may be global, national, or state-specific. This meets the requirements for the State of Ohio. Requirements for other states may vary. If you currently live in a state other than Ohio or intend to move to a state other than Ohio and use the education completed at Hocking College to sit for such an exam, be aware there may be additional requirements. Please contact the appropriate administering body and/or the college contact for the program to discuss your intentions.

Physical Therapist Assistant Licensure Disclosure

The following changes have been implemented effective January 10, 2022.


Hocking College Physical Therapist Assistant Program Selective Admission Policy

Beginning in January of 2022, students who are applying for the Clinical Year of the Physical Therapist Assisting (PTA) Program (3rd semester) must complete the following to be considered for admission:

Submit an official high school transcript or GED.

Complete all other pre-requisite courses with a minimum a “B” grade and earn an overall grade point average of 3.0 in:

  • BIOS- 1113 Anatomy and Physiology I (4.0 credit hours)
  • BIOS -1114 Anatomy and Physiology II (4.0 credit hours)
  • English- 1510 English Composition (4.0 credit hours)
  • PTA- 1100 Introduction to Physical Therapy (1.0 credit hours)
  • HLTH-1101 Medical Terminology (2.0 credit hours)
  • PSYCH-1101 General Psychology (3.0 credit hours)
  • MATH-2250 Introduction to Statistics (4.0 credit hours)
  • COMM-1130 Speech (3.0 credit hours)
  • PSYCH-2151 Developmental Psychology (3.0 credit hours)

Students may take a class no more than two (2) times to earn the “B” or higher grade.   If Students do not achieve the required grade in two attempts, you are not eligible for the PTA program.

Students may transfer credit from other colleges provided the transferred course meets the same credit hour requirements and the student receives a minimum grade of a “B” in the transferred course.  To receive transfer credit, it is the student’s responsibility to request an official transcript to be sent directly from the college to the Hocking College Registrar’s office by the US Postal Service or their office transcript service.

  • The only PTA course that may be transferred from another institution is Introduction to PT or PTA.

Volunteer/Observation Hours:

Students need to complete 16 observation/volunteer hours in a physical therapy department or clinic.  

  • Eight (8) hours must be in an acute care or skilled nursing setting and eight (8) hours must be in a non-acute outpatient/ambulatory care setting such as a clinic, rehab. center OR the equivalent in full-time or part-time employment of at least 16 hours in a physical therapy department that covers the above-mentioned, two different settings.  
  • Observation/volunteer hours must be performed no more than two (2) years prior to the date of the application deadline of June 1st to the Hocking College Physical Therapist Assistant program.
  • Completion of these hours must be submitted on the Hocking College observation/volunteer log found below. 
    • Hours for acute care and non-acute care should be recorded in separate columns
    • The supervising physical therapist/physical therapist assistant must sign each day’s entry on the timesheet
  • Completed timesheets should be mailed to the Hocking College Admissions Processing Office, 3301 Hocking Parkway, Nelsonville OH 45764 or scanned documents may be emailed to


  • Obtain two (2) positive recommendations from the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, not related to the applicant or living with the applicant, but under whom Students observed/volunteered or were employed.
  • Recommendations must be completed on the Hocking College PTA recommendation form available below.
  • Completed recommendations should be submitted to the Hocking College Admissions Processing Office, 3301 Hocking Parkway, Nelsonville OH 45764 or scanned documents may be emailed to

Test of Essential Academic Skills (Allied Health TEAS)

Complete the TEAS Exam. Testing is offered at the Hocking College testing center Davidson Hall (DVD 108), but Students must first register for a testing date and pay (the current non-refundable fee) for the exam online at  Fees are subject to change and not included in all-inclusive pricing.

  • There are a limited number of seats available for each testing date and test registration closes 24 hours before each scheduled date.  Once Students register and pay for the exam, students will be emailed an authorization number that Students must bring to the testing center on the day of the Student's test with an approved ID. This must be either a driver’s license or state-issued ID - not a Hocking or other college ID.
  • This is a timed exam: 4 hours to complete the exam which consists of reading, math, English and science.
  • Students may take the exam a total of three times and test scores and must be completed within the 24 months prior to the application deadline.
  • Students are not required to have all other admission file completion requirements completed before taking the exam.
  • Scores from TEAS exams taken elsewhere are not accepted.  
  • TEAS scores can be sent from any testing location as long as they meet the following criteria: 1.) It must be administered in-person at an approved proctored site. No remote exams are accepted. Scores are valid for 2 years. 2.) The test must have exactly the same subjects (Math, Science, Reading and English & Language Usage) our TEAS covers – no more, no less. Your official score transcript (ordered through the ATI website) must be sent directly to Additional fees may be required to have scores sent.
  • Review is HIGHLY recommended.  Study materials are available in the Hocking College Student Success Center, online, and in many libraries and bookstores.   
  • It is recommended that Students have some college coursework completed prior to taking the TEAS exam.
  • A minimum TEAS composite score ranked at “proficient” is required for potential admission to the PTA program.
  • A composite score of proficient level or higher is required for admission to the PTA program.


Only students with a complete admission file by June 1st will be considered for admission to the second, Clinical year of the PTA program.

Students with complete admission files will be rank-ordered and admitted based upon their grade point average and TEAS score using the following calculations: 

    • Cumulative Hocking College GPA ÷ 4.0 = % x 100 (For example: GPA 3.2 ÷ 4.0= .80 x 100 = 80 points)
    • TEAS scores: composite score. (For example, 70% translates into 70 points)
    • Repeated TEAS exam scores will be super scored: meaning that the highest score is the one used in the rankings
    • Students who score less than the current TEAS proficient score will not be eligible to move forward in the process
  • Total GPA points + TEAS points = Ranking score
  • Up to 30 candidates may be selected once per year, per accreditation guidelines.
  • If more than 30 students meet the requirements students will be ranked and admitted based on their grade point average and TEAS score.


  • Applicants will be notified of selection via their Hocking College e-mail address by July 1 each academic year.  Students are advised not to call for information regarding the selection results. Those not selected will be rank-ordered on an alternate list.
  • If a selected student declines their seat before July 15, the first student on the alternate list will be offered that seat. The process will continue until all seats are filled.
  • Students who remain on the alternate list after May 31 will need to reapply, along with other applicants, for the next year. Alternate list placement does not guarantee a seat for the following year.
  • Students may check the status of their application file by using Self-Service under My documents. 
  • To log into Self-Service go to, clicking on Self-Service in the green banner. Use the student login information, and then click on Students



PTA Volunteer Experience Form and Recommendation Form

PTA Observation Timesheet



PTA Program Stats

Data used to calculate graduation rate (PTA Program) Hocking College


Beginning size of cohort AUG as of (October 1)

Number graduating on time (graduation year)

Number graduating in 150% of time


Rate-based upon formula provided by CAPTE


18+3 Re-enrolls





12+2 Re-enrolls





12 + 2 Re-enrolls










Data Used to Calculate Licensure (NPTE-PTA) Pass Rates

         Graduation Year

Number of Graduates Taking Exam

First Time Pass Rates

Ultimate Pass Rate

CAPTE 2-year Average






















Employment rates for graduates who sought employment

Number of Graduates/

Graduation Year

Number of Licensees who Sought employment

Number of Licensees unable to contact/no response

Number  of Licensees who sought employment and were employed

















Revised 5/28/24


Hocking College Institutional Learning Outcomes

1) Demonstrate sound critical thinking, information literacy and technological competency in the production of academic writing and presentations

2) Apply the methods of mathematical, statistical or analytical reasoning to critically evaluate data, solve problems and effectively communicate findings.

3) Demonstrate an awareness of the social, political and economic forces which shape individuals, institutions and communities in the modern world.

4)Understand social justice and the diversities and complexities of the cultural and social world past and present and come to an informed sense of self and others.

5)Demonstrate a foundation of knowledge in the natural sciences based on theory and laboratory skills.

6) Cultivate ethical values, personal wellness and personal learning strategies in the development of the whole person, mind, body and spirit.

7) Integrate content material to application in the workforce and apply discipline specific knowledge and skills to successfully transfer or effectively meet the expectations of internships, workplace, volunteerism and/or entrepreneurship endeavors.

8) Utilize the ethical and professional application of current information technology and tools effectively.


Program Outcomes

The following outcomes are skills, behaviors, and attitudes cultivated in students seeking an Associate of Applied Science in Physical Therapist Assistant:

  • Within the scope of practice of the physical therapist assistant, safely and effectively collect patient data and perform interventions identified in the plan of care established by the supervising physical therapist.
  • Complete accurate and timely documentation that follows the guidelines of state practice acts, the clinical setting, and other regulatory agencies.
  • Effectively manage daily operations of physical therapy services including scheduling, billing/reimbursement and quality assurance.
  • Implement individualized patient intervention(s) established by the physical therapist including modifications based on patient status, pathophysiology, and plan of care reporting changes to the supervising physical therapist.
  • Under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist, participate in coordinating continuity of care with patient, caregivers and members of the health care team concerning education, discharge planning and follow up care.

Retention Rates

Retention rates are determined by the office of Institutional Research utilizing the following criteria:
  • All registered fall/autumn students with registration status for the following fall/autumn.
  • Excludes special populations - College Credit Plus, Non Degree, Online Military and University Center.
  • Potential for upcoming fall/autumn excludes graduates from that fall/autumn, spring and summer terms.
Academic Year Retention Rate
Autumn 2018 to Autumn 2019 43%
Autumn 2019 to Autumn 2020 43%
Autumn 2020 to Autumn 2021 42%
Autumn 2021 to Autumn 2022 46%
Autumn 2022 to Autumn 2023 45.4%

Graduation Rates 

Graduation rates are determined by the Office of Institutional Research. To ensure appropriate time for data collection, this report will be run and posted annually in the last week of September for the previous academic year. It should be noted that annual graduation rates may change as students continue to graduate. The following criteria will be utilized for the calculation of graduation rates:

  • Overall Program Completion Rate is defined as a percentage of the ratio: 

    All graduates of the program
    All students with the program in their history of programs of study

  • For the purposes of reporting, the program completion rates are aggregated by academic year of entry.
  • A student is considered to have completed or graduated from a program or certificate by virtue of having been awarded the degree or certificate.
  • A student is considered to be undertaking activity in a program of study for the duration of time that they are in an active status in a program or certificate. This is defined by having a Program of Study with a status of ‘A’ during the duration of time they are taking coursework.  Should a student move in and out of active status in a program of study while continuing to take coursework, we only take into account the student’s activity while the program has an active status for that particular program of study.


The Physical Therapist Assisting at Hocking College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) until 12/31/2024, 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22314; telephone: 703-706-3245; email:; website: If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call 740-753-6350.

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